Un traitement capillaire À BOIRE, comment ça marche dont ?

A DRINK hair treatment, how does it work?

You deserve to be pampered and feel beautiful and beautiful from the inside. The carefully selected natural ingredients in our Sublime Complex drinkable hair treatment work wonders for your hair, skin, scalp and nails. Not only does it boost your natural beauty, it's also made with grass-fed bovine collagen, vitamin C, copper, zinc, biotin, Quebec-grown centella asiatica, and local organic flavors. So why not treat yourself to this little pleasure by taking care of yourself in a healthy and natural way?

Designed by hairdressing professionals, Sublime Complex was launched in 2021 and aims above all to improve hair health, considerably reduce hair loss, help new growth and strengthen hair lengths. your hair. Plus, when you take the drink treatment, it's amazing how it works on different parts of your body too. Not only does it help solve skin problems, but it also contributes to the health of your bones, your cartilage and supports your immune system.

How to consume it?

You'll love our collagen powder treatment because it's easy to use! Simply mix the powder into your favorite water or liquid. The container contains a generous amount of 360g of powder, which is 30 daily servings. It's perfect to accompany you throughout a month! The recommended dose is one 12g serving per day, taken at a time that suits you best. Ideally, during a meal if you have digestive problems.

If you are taking medication, we recommend that you take it at least 2 hours before or after taking the treatment. Of course, it's always important to seek the advice of your doctor if you have any concerns.

And for dissolution, it's child's play! Our powder dissolves easily in water. You just need to add it to a bottle and shake it well. If you still notice a few small lumps floating on the surface, don't worry, they will quickly dissolve after a few moments.

So, don't hesitate to indulge yourself with our powder which is not only beneficial for your health, but also easy to prepare and consume.

Why do a cure of 3 months minimum?

To get truly amazing results, we highly recommend enjoying the full benefits of collagen treatment for at least 3 months. You may wonder why? Well, simply because your hair growth cycle is around 3 months! During this period, your hair is in an active growth phase, where it grows quickly and healthy. Then they enter a resting and falling phase, called the telogen phase. Don't worry, this is completely normal! It is completely natural to notice the loss of approximately 50 to 100 hairs per day. It is important to know that most of this hair is simply in the resting phase (telogen phase) when it falls out. When this phase is over, this hair naturally falls out to make way for new hair that enters the growth phase. It is a cyclical process that repeats itself throughout your life.

Since our treatment is packed with high-quality and health-beneficial ingredients, there is absolutely no worry in consuming it for more than 3 months, or even throughout the year. It's a great habit to adopt for taking care of your health, and your body will thank you for it.

Don't waste another minute integrating a small dose of well-being into your daily routine. It's simple, fast and so effective!

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