Collagène, entraînement et/ou régime paléo cétogène, un bon combiné?

Collagen, training and/or paleo ketogenic diet, a good combination?

Taking collagen supplements is a great way to pamper your body and give it what it needs to be healthy. They can help you regain a youthful and glowing appearance. Plus, by strengthening connective tissue, they support the health of your joints and tendons, keeping you active and mobile. Sublime Complex, in the form of drinkable collagen, can bring you radiance and vigor in your hair and your skin, but also be an exceptional support when it comes to your body and its proper functioning.

Training Bovine collagen can be a great supplement to support your training and bodybuilding program. By strengthening tendons, ligaments and cartilage, it can help prevent injury and promote healthy joints that are often strained during exercise. When doing intense, repetitive exercise, it's important to take care of your body and provide it with the nutrients it needs to regenerate and recover.

Collagen is really great for helping you recover after your workout! Plus, it can help inflamed and fatigued tissues after exercise to regenerate and repair themselves, allowing you to recover faster and get back in shape for your next workout! Bovine collagen can be a natural and effective option for supporting your musculoskeletal system.

A balanced diet, good rest and a suitable training routine are essential to achieve the best results. A supplement such as Sublime Complex is a great addition to your daily workout routine thanks to its extraordinary properties!

Paleo ketogenic diet The paleo ketogenic diet offers us to return to a more natural diet and to favor unprocessed foods. By combining low carb intake with high healthy fat intake, it helps us achieve our goals of losing weight and improving our overall health. The "bone broth" protein present in our drinking treatment is suitable for people who have food intolerances or who follow a particular diet, which makes it perfect to meet your specific nutritional needs. Due to its ingredients of choice, our drinking treatment does not come in any way at odds with the paleo ketogenic diet. It's wonderful isn't it?

Sublime Complex

Collagen and vitamin C

In the drinkable collagen treatment of Sublime Complex, we find collagen but also vitamin C and zinc among others.

Bovine collagen can also be an ally for the well-being of your joints by promoting the regeneration of cartilage. This can be particularly valuable for those who practice sports such as running or weightlifting, which put a lot of strain on the joints.

Vitamin C is like a superhero for our health! It helps to strengthen our immune system and to recover after intense training. It can be found naturally in lots of delicious fruits and vegetables, or taken as a supplement if needed. Don't forget to stock up on this essential vitamin to stay in top shape!


Zinc, which is also found in the treatment, has interesting properties in terms of training. This super mineral is really impressive for our health! It should not be neglected because it is essential for boosting our immune system, regulating our hormones, promoting optimal cell growth and accelerating muscle recovery.

As part of a paleo ketogenic diet, it is easy to find natural sources of zinc and luckily we also find it in the Sublime Complex supplement.

It is important to point out that the collagen drink from Sublime Complex is full of many other beneficial elements for our health. We have mentioned here only those that are most relevant to our sports practice.

By taking care to nourish your body with enough zinc, collagen and vitamin C, you will really give it a boost so that it can support itself well during your activities and recover quickly. So why do without it?

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